(631) 724-1237  (321) 549-6187  info@cheersounds.com

Where Do Voice Overs Come From?

Many of our customers think cheer voice overs come out of a computer – like a robot or some kind of voice over generator. However, this is not true! Voice Overs are written and performed by people 🙂

When we work on a mix, the first thing running through our minds is voiceovers – even before the music! The vocal process continues to run parallel to the music production process to ensure that the vocals make sense with the mix.  We record them “raw”, and then add effects as needed. Some tracks (like the telephone effect) only have 3 or 4 effects, but other tracks like the big yell track have 12 effects on to create that room-filling yell!  And, to be totally honest, it would sound pretty lame without those!

The process is much more involved, but I hope this quick video has shed some light onto how our voice overs are made.

P.S. Edward says I look “scruffalicious” in this video.